Monday, May 5, 2008

More Fun with the Partisan Voting Index- The Center

Of the 435 Congressional districts, 105 voted within five points of the national average of the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

The numbers after the incumbent name and party affiliation are percentages of non-Latino white, black, Latino, and Asian people. Of the 105 seats in the center, Republicans hold a 54-51

The Northeast has 92 House seats, of which 25 are in the center. Competitive Democratic-held seats (9 of 11) are ME-02, NH-01, NH-02, CT-05, NY-19, NY-20, NY-24, PA-04, PA-08 and of the Republican-held seats, NY-25, NY-26, NJ-03, NJ-05, NJ-07, PA-03, PA-06, PA-15, PA-18 (9 of 14) are competitive.

ME-02 (D+4)- Michaud (D)- 97, 0, 1, 0
NH-01 (Even)- Shea-Porter (D)- 95, 1, 2, 1
NH-02 (D+3)- Hodes (D)- 95, 1, 2, 1
CT-05 (D+4)- Murphy (D)- 80, 5, 11, 2
NY-01 (D+3)- Bishop (D)- 84, 4, 8, 2
NY-03 (D+2)- King (R)- 87, 2, 7 , 3
NY-13 (D+1)- Fossella (R)- 71, 6, 11, 9
NY-19 (R+1)- Hall (D)- 84, 5, 8, 2
NY-20 (R+3)- Gillibrand (D)- 93, 2, 2, 1
NY-23 (Even)- McHugh (R)- 93, 3, 2, 1
NY-24 (R+1)- Arcuri (D)- 92, 3, 2, 1
NY-25 (D+3)- Walsh (R)- 87, 7, 2, 2
NY-26 (R+3)- Reynolds (R)- 92, 3, 2, 2
NJ-02 (D+4)- LoBiondo (R)- 72, 14, 10, 2
NJ-03 (D+3)- Saxton (R)- 83, 9, 4, 3
NJ-04 (R+1)- Smith (R)- 81, 8, 8, 2
NJ-05 (R+4)- Garrett (R)- 86, 1, 4, 7
NJ-07 (R+1)- Ferguson (R)- 79, 4, 7, 8
PA-03 (R+2)- English (R)- 94, 3, 1, 0
PA-04 (R+3)- Altmire (D)- 94, 3, 1, 1
PA-06 (D+2)- Gerlach (R)- 86, 7, 4, 2
PA-07 (D+4)- Sestak (D)- 88, 5, 1, 4
PA-08 (D+3)- Murphy (D)- 91, 3, 2, 2
PA-15 (D+2)- Dent (R)- 86, 3, 8, 2
PA-18 (R+2)- Murphy (R)- 95, 2, 1, 1

The Midwest has 100 House seats, of which 31 are in the center. Competitive Democratic-held seats (4 of 10) are IN-02, WI-08, MN-01, and KS-03 and of the Republican-held seats, OH-01, OH-14, OH-15, MI-07, MI-09, IL-06, IL-10, IL-11, and MN-03 (9 of 21) are competitive.

OH-01 (R+1)- Chabot (R)- 69, 27, 1, 1
OH-03 (R+3)- Turner (R)- 79, 17, 1, 1
OH-06 (Even)- Wilson (D)- 95, 2, 1, 0
OH-12 (R+1)- Tiberi (R)- 72, 22, 2, 2
OH-14 (R+2)- LaTourette (R)- 94, 2, 1, 1
OH-15 (R+1)- Pryce (R)- 85, 7, 2, 3
OH-16 (R+4)- Regula (R)- 92, 5, 1, 1
MI-01 (R+2)- Stupak (D)- 94, 1, 1, 0
MI-04 (R+3)- Camp (R)- 93, 2, 2, 1
MI-06 (R+2)- Upton (R)- 84, 9, 4, 1
MI-07 (R+2)- Walberg (R)- 88, 6, 3, 1
MI-08 (R+2)- Rogers (R)- 88, 5, 3, 2
MI-09 (Even)- Knollenberg (R)- 81, 8, 3, 6
MI-10 (R+4)- Miller (R)- 94, 1, 2, 1
MI-11 (R+1)- McCotter (R)- 90, 4, 2, 3
IN-02 (R+4)- Donnelly (D)- 84, 8, 5, 1
IL-06 (R+3)- Roskam (R)- 75, 3, 12, 8
IL-10 (D+4)- Kirk (R)- 75, 5, 12, 6
IL-11 (R+1)- Weller (R)- 84, 8, 7, 1
IL-16 (R+4)- Manzullo (R)- 86, 5, 6, 1
WI-01 (R+2)- Ryan (R)- 87, 5, 6, 1
WI-03 (D+3)- Kind (D)- 96, 0, 1, 1
WI-07 (D+2)- Obey (D)- 95, 0, 1, 1
WI-08 (Even)- Kagen (D)- 92, 1, 2, 1
MN-01 (R+1)- Walz (D)- 93, 1, 3, 2
MN-02 (R+3)- Kline (R)- 92, 2, 3, 2
MN-03 (R+1)- Ramstad (R)- 89, 4, 2, 4
MN-08 (D+4)- Oberstar (D)- 95, 1, 1, 0
IA-03 (D+1)- Boswell (D)- 90, 3, 3, 2
IA-04 (Even)- Lathem (R)- 95, 1, 3, 1
KS-03 (R+4)- Moore (D)- 80, 9, 7, 3

The South has 145 House seats, of which 33 are in the center. Competitive Democratic-held seats (4 of 21) are GA-12, FL-16, FL-22, TX-23 and of the Republican-held seats, VA-11, NC-08, FL-08, FL-13, FL-15, FL-24, FL-25 (7 of 12) are competitive.

VA-11 (R+1)- Davis (R)- 67, 10, 9, 11
WV-03 (Even)- Rahall (D)- 94, 4, 1, 0
NC-02 (R+3)- Etheridge (D)- 59, 30, 8, 1
NC-07 (R+3)- McIntyre (D)- 63, 23, 4, 0
NC-08 (R+3)- Hayes (R)- 62, 27, 7, 2
NC-13 (D+2)- Miller (D)- 63, 27, 6, 2
KY-03 (D+2)- Yarmuth (D)- 76, 19, 2, 1
TN-04 (R+3)- Davis (D)- 93, 4, 2, 0
TN-06 (R+4)- Goodman (D)- 89, 6, 3, 1
TN-08 (Even)- Tanner (D)- 74, 22, 2, 0
AL-03 (R+4)- Rogers (R)- 65, 32, 1, 1
GA-02 (D+2)- Bishop (D)- 50, 44, 3, 1
GA-12 (D+2)- Barrow (D)- 52, 42, 3, 1
FL-02 (R+2)- Boyd (D)- 72, 22, 3, 1
FL-07 (R+3)- Mica (R)- 81, 9, 7, 1
FL-08 (R+3)- Keller (R)- 70, 7, 18, 3
FL-09 (R+4)- Bilirakis (R)- 85, 4, 8, 2
FL-10 (D+1)- Young (R)- 88, 4, 4, 2
FL-13 (R+4)- Buchanan (R)- 86, 4, 8, 1
FL-15 (R+4)- Weldon (R)- 78, 7, 11, 2
FL-16 (R+2)- Mahoney (D)- 82, 6, 10, 1
FL-18 (R+4)- Ros-Lehtinen (R)- 30, 6, 63, 1
FL-22 (D+4)- Klein (D)- 82, 4, 11, 2
FL-24 (R+3)- Feeney (R)- 80, 6, 10, 2
FL-25 (R+4)- M. Diaz-Balart (R)- 24, 10, 62, 2
AR-01 (D+1)- Berry (D)- 80, 17, 2, 0
AR-02 (Even)- Snyder (D)- 76, 19, 2, 1
AR-04 (Even)- Ross (D)- 71, 24, 3, 0
TX-15 (D+3)- Hinojosa (D)- 27, 3, 69, 0
TX-23 (R+4)- Rodriguez (D)- 41, 2, 55, 1
TX-25 (D+1)- Doggett (D)- 22, 7, 69, 1
TX-27 (R+1)- Ortiz (D)- 28, 2, 68, 1
TX-28 (R+1)- Cuellar (D)- 28, 6, 65, 0

The West has 98 House seats, of which 16 are in the center. Competitive Democratic-held seats (4 of 9) are AZ-05, AZ-08, CA-11, OR-05 and of the Republican-held seats, NM-01, AZ-01, NV-03, WA-08 (4 of 7) are competitive.

CO-07 (D+2)- Perlmutter (D)- 69, 6, 20, 3
NM-01 (D+2)- Wilson (R)- 49, 2, 43, 2
AZ-01 (R+2)- Renzi (R)- 58, 1, 16, 1
AZ-05 (R+4)- Mitchell (D)- 77, 3, 13, 3
AZ-08 (R+1)- Giffords (D)- 74, 3, 18, 2
NV-03 (D+1)- Porter (R)- 69, 5, 16, 6
CA-11 (R+3)- McNerney (D)- 64, 3, 20, 9
CA-18 (D+3)- Cardoza (D)- 39, 6, 42, 9
CA-26 (R+4)- Dreier (R)- 53, 4, 24, 15
CA-45 (R+3)- Bono Mack (R)- 50, 6, 38, 3
OR-04 (Even)- DeFazio (D)- 90, 1, 4, 2
OR-05 (D+1)- Hooley (D)- 84, 1, 10, 2
WA-02 (D+3)- Larsen (D)- 86, 1, 6, 3
WA-03 (Even)- Baird (D)- 88, 1, 5, 3
WA-08 (D+2)- Reichert (R)- 82, 2, 4, 8

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